NEWS: Draft MEErP Tasks 1-4 report and presentation of interim results at the 1st stakeholder meeting available for download! For more details, see
Welcome to the Review study, Evaluation and Impact Assessment support study for household dishwashers
At the
end of June 2024, the European Commission published the Regulation (EU) 2024/1781 establishing a framework forthe setting of ecodesign requirements for sustainable products (ESPR, Ecodesign for Sustainable
Products Regulation). The Regulation came into force on 18 July 2024 and will
enable the setting of far-reaching performance and information-related requirements
– known as ‘ecodesign requirements’ – for specific product groups, to make them
more environmentally sustainable and circular. The ESPR establishes a framework
for setting ecodesign requirements on specific product groups, it replaces the
Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/EC.
In the staff working document on Ecodesign and Energylabelling Working Plan 2022-2024, a review study for household dishwashers was announced.
In this context, DG Environment has commissioned the project team to assist the Commission with the Review study (technical analysis and preparatory study), the back-to-back Evaluation and Impact Assessment support study for the review of:
The Review study and the Evaluation and Impact Assessment support study for household dishwashers started in June 2024 and are expected to be completed by December 2026.
Reports and other related documents will be published in the Documents section of this website.
The project team will invite registered stakeholders to express their views and to provide comments on draft deliverables of the preparatory study in writing and during the stakeholder meetings. Interested stakeholders are encouraged to register (see further below).
News will come soon.